Sunday, January 1, 2012

Mini Sumo Robot Testing

I have made some serious progress (in comparison to what I usually do).  My Mini Sumo Robot has all the components secured to the platform (secured = tape) and a working program.

Instead of using home-built IR sensors (shown in the image in my last post), I opted to use the Sharp IR distance sensor to make things easier to start.  Since I only had one laying around, I have named him "Cyclops".  Obviously, the more sensors the better, but this is a good place to start.

Mini Sumo Robot - Cyclops
Mini Sumo Robot - Cyclops (Front)
Mini Sumo Robot - Cyclops (Back-Side)
Mini Sumo Robot - Cyclops (Back-Side)
Although he has not changed much in appearance since my last post, I have wired everything and created a simple program.  The program does the following.

  1. Rotate
  2. Sense target
  3. Drive forward
Here is the IR Sensor working

And here is the first test (actually about the fourth after a bit of tweaking).

From here, I will refine the program to make him a bit smarter and 'tune' the IR sensor so it's not seeing the ground when the sensitivity is turned up (turned up in the code).    

My long-term goal is to design and build a 'professional' version.  I can use Cyclops to refine my design and keep me motivated.