Sunday, March 4, 2012

Working Mini Sumo Robot!

After a lot of wire stripping, soldering, confusion, de-soldering, re-soldering, and four letter words, I got the bot working!

I retrofitted my tachometer board and soldered it down to a perforated board.  I then wired everything to it.

Yes.... I know.... It looks horrible.  But it is only a prototype.

Mess O' Wires

Under the hood

After getting the circuit wired and code working properly, I am beginning to lose faith in these off-the-shelf IR sensors.  Unfortunately, the just do not seem to have the field-of-view I am going to need.  (they are "Distance" sensors after all)

On the other hand, the sensor are mounted on the same flat surface.  I should try to angle them a little and see if that helps.

Next steps...
  • Attempt to improve current IR sensors
  • Play with different IR sensors
  • Begin working on custom PCB (in-work, see below)

Sumo Robot Schematic

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