Sunday, February 19, 2012

Project 6 - Balancing Bot

For a while now, I have been gathering all the parts needed for a two wheeled balancing robot.  Finally, I had the motivation (not to mention a few nights) to design and fabricate the chassis.

Balancing Bot CAD Isometric View

Isometric View #1

Isometric View #2

Underside View

Side View
I'm using gear motors and wheels purchased from Pololu.  The unique thing about this design is the o-ring belt drive system.  At work, I am constantly using o-rings in their traditional means... sealing.  However, when I inspected the o-ring bible, published by Parker, they discuss using them as belts.  Odd?  Next time your taking apart that old printer, keep your eyes open... this method is used often when gears are not needed or optimal.

I have a few more parts to make, then the 'fun' begins.... How hard can it be?

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